Many of the items found within the dungeon initially appear in an unidentified state. The item names are marked with a question mark, indicating that their official names and properties are unknown. It is possible to equip or use these items even in their unidentified state.
To identify an item, a member with the “Item Insight” skill is required. Both “Thieves” and “Sages” possess the “Item Insight” skill from the beginning. Additionally, “Ninjas” can learn this skill at the Thieves’ Guild.

However, there is a high chance of failing to identify an item if the skill level is low. Even if you are unable to identify an item due to insufficient level, you can have it identified for a fee at the appraisal shop in town. Once successfully identified, information about the item’s properties and the classes that can equip it will be revealed.

Unwanted items can be sold at the appraisal shop. However, items in an unidentified state cannot be sold, so be sure to identify them beforehand. Items that are sold will appear as stock in stores such as weapon shops and tool shops. Even if you acquire a rare weapon and have no party members who can equip it, you can boldly sell it and buy it back later.